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  • by Kent Taylor

    Publication date: September, 2018


    By the time kent taylor quit medical school, he had already been writing poetry since freshman year. He returned to cleveland (ohio) and became part of the underground poetry scene that evolved in the 1960s. his first books were published by poet and good friend, d.a. levy. in 1970, kent moved to san francisco where still writes and lives to this day.

    In the second poem of this collection “chasing helen”, i thought about societies obsession with finishing something - the death of the moment, death of a person, death of anything, a desperate race, a speed that is uncatchable. in “chasing helen”, death is not a result, but something ambiguous, catchable in our vision but not finished. its transcendental. in this light, death becomes something more political. personally, i believe kent taylor to be a poet who thinks mostly about freedom. the freedom of the human spirit.



    8 pages printed on recycled paper

    13cm x 21cm x 2mm

    includes 2 colour plate

    photography by Evans Kati and Tom Jarmusch

    book cover photography by Evans Kati

    designed and hand bound by Lucy J Wilkinson

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