PETT LEVEL / Stephen Emmerson
publication date: November, 2020
Pett Level (2020), a poem by Stephen Emmerson, an experiment in sound and pebbles. I tried for a long time tonight to work out a way to describe the way Stephen writes, and I came up with, orbital reverb. It's as if the sounds are being created and then recreated by the objects -- the sounds of the words as they are read/said, but also the way we imagine they sound as objects. Almost ritualistic. And they all surround him. Orbit around him. When I was formatting and binding this book for print, I was ripping my hair out trying to organise the poem into the correct order. I think I started imagining words that weren't there and in other places in the poem. It was a strange experience. It confirmed the hypnotic nature of the poem.
48 pages printed on recycled paper
13 cm x 21 cm x 5 mm
includes 8 colour plates
photography by Stephen Emmerson
artwork by Marvin Hoffman
designed and handbound by lucy j wilkinson
Limited edition print run of 50 only.