Book Specifications:
Standard Edition
137 pages
210 mm x 130 mm x 8 mm
Format: PaperbackPublication Date: 20/08/21
Print run of 100
ISBN: 978-1-7399499-0-7
Limited Edition137 pages
215 mm x 135 mm x 10 mm
Format: Hardback Book + Embroidered Detachable Cover by Rachel Adeline Holmes.
Edition of 5
Design and Production: Lucy Wilkinson, Karolina Fedorowicz
Editor: Lucy Wilkinson, Karolina Fedorowicz and Nell Whittaker
Printed and handbound at the press
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Rachel Holmes presented an exhibition of artworks at Hundred Years Gallery from 18-20th August 2021 to coincide with the launch of The Butterfly Dream. Holmes also showed a screening of her film Son of the Root.
Last week a shaman
Contacted me
Out of the blue.
He said my art
Is channeling spirits
and that I should ask my dreams
The Butterfly Dream, Rachel Adeline Holmes
In one of the fundamental texts of Taoism, the Zhuangzi (476–221 BCE), a story tells that the philosopher Zhuang Zhou dreamt he was a butterfly, flittering and fluttering about, happy with himself and doing as he pleased. He awoke to wonder if he was not a butterfly dreaming he was a man. Inspired by this poem, and taking as its central motif an amnesiac dancer who discovers she is a doll, and her double, the toymaker who dies from laughter and ascends to heaven, this anthology of short stories by Rachel Adeline Holmes explores the metamorphic dreamspace of forgetting, remembering and becoming.